Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 15 Wow

Okay today was important.

Today I stopped worrying about whether I was going to make it to the end of each set. Instead I was focused on my body. I know this sounds obvious. But I remember now that I had the same shift in PCP. It was about a month and a half in!! This time it only took two weeks.

Before the workout I took time to read through all Patrick's instructions and watch the videos again on stances, kicks and so on. I also looked at a couple of his Youtube videos - the core video is especially interesting. Then I remembered to bow. (In fact I put a few extra bows in -- one between each section and before I meditated and after!!!) Focusing and in fact bowing to my own body.

I have been focused on "getting through" the set. This is similar to how I live my life. I've got to get through the day, get through the week, get through this section of my life. Obviously I fight this and make efforts (like this program) to be in the moment. So I'm very pleased that today I stepped into the moment.

This shift allows me the opportunity to see (as PCP taught me) that reaching the fatigue point is a way of learning about myself and my body. Instead of seeing it as a big failure and myself as a big slob, today I welcomed the message from my muscles that we were at our limit. Huh, I thought, that's interesting information.

After the pushups and plank - which are very challenging for me even at this low level - I instinctively went into the child's pose. Almost like my body/myself choose to comfort for a moment after feeling exhausted. That was great.

I also put the wide angle forward bend in at the end of stretching. I can get my elbows and hands on the floor. But not my head. Not yet. When I was younger I could put my head easily on the floor. Interesting.

Okay all. I'm off to make a breakfast of Huevos Rancheros -- I highly recommend it!
Onions and tomatoes, in a little olive oil on low heat for a long time.
With chipolte peppers. Not too many or it is too hot.
Then throw one corn tortilla in and an egg. Pour a little water in. Put lid on skillet to let steam.



  1. Great blog! Throwing in extra bows is probably what I should be practicing. I find it a bit more natural for me to throw in a bow just after I do a horse stance hold or kung fu stance hold. I don't know something about the stillness. I'm glad you are "IN" and aware of your body. Keep it up!

  2. What's so important here isn't the progress itself but the fact that you are present to see the progress. Mindfulness is the real meaning of the KFB.
