Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 16 17 18

A bit confused about what day we're on.

Well honestly I'm feeling a bit disconnected. I threw myself into it last week but the weekend get so busy -- I didn't jump Sun or Mon - driving much of Monday to New Jersey. Did the exercises last night. But it feels like we as a group aren't really watching each other. Maybe it is a different energy in Kung Fu than PCP? PCP was so new and kind of dramatic. Our group posted almost every day and we left comments on each others blogs. I wonder if seeing the weekly pictures wasn't also kind of bonding. But maybe this is simply a more individualistic kind of experience. What are the rest of you feeling?

I just did jumping and now am headed out for a walk.


  1. Maybe we have too many expectations? We didn't have any expectation of what PCP would be like, but now we're professionals, we're experienced, we know each other and we know Patrick. The form is similar, yes, but the experience is proving different. Keep moving forward, and so will I, on parallel paths. :)

  2. Tara - yes I think you're right. It was all so new and therefore dramatic. I'm probably looking for excuses not to fully engage. Need to face myself and recommit to MY journey. I tend to be so other-focused. Parallel paths.


  3. I agree. KFB is proving to be a bit more of an individualistic experience. Although Patrick sends us a daily email, I do miss his blog comments on everyone's page. Here's to parallel paths (great words Tara!).

  4. I know I've been bad about posting this week; I'm glad you shared your thoughts, Deborah. I think this journey is a lot more 'real' than the PCP--that is, to borrow Patrick's wording, 'messy' and 'organic.' We each had roughly the same goals on the PCP; now that we've pretty much achieved those, I think we're all on to different goals. But we can still support each other in what we're each going for, and we can acknowledge that, no matter what those goals are--what the parallel path is--we'll each only get there by 'walking': sticking with the diet, exercises, and meditation.

  5. This is all very normal and healthy. Keep sitting with the new feelings and don't give up. The PCP changes are shiny happy changes but the KFB gets to the root of who you are mentally and physically. It's natural to pursue this in a quieter more personal manner.
